The Batch API is the recommended way to work with components and references in Ardoq.
You can view the OpenAPI/Swagger schema for the Batch API here.
The Batch API lets you combine multiple create, update, upsert (update an existing entity or create a new one) and delete operations on both components and references into a single request. This makes it possible to create and modify complex structures in Ardoq.
A Batch API request may contain any combination of the following operations on both components and references:
- Create new components.
- Update existing components.
- Upsert (create new or update existing) components.
- Delete existing components.
- Create new references between components.
- Update existing references between components.
- Upsert (create new or update existing) references between components.
- Delete existing references between components.
All batch operations are executed within a transaction. If any of the operations fail then the whole request will fail leaving the state of Ardoq unmodified.